Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Guru Nanak Dev Ji – The Enlightened Soul Who Paved the Path of Sikh Dharam

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Guru of Sikh Dharam, was a divine figure who revolutionized spirituality, challenged societal norms, and laid the foundation of Sikhism. was a visionary, a spiritual leader, and a beacon of love and compassion. Born on 15th April 1469 in Nankana Sahib, present-day Pakistan, Guru Nanak was a beacon of wisdom, love, and compassion. His teachings continue to inspire millions of followers across the globe, transcending boundaries of time, culture, and language. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the profound teachings and the remarkable life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Early Life and Spiritual Awakening

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was blessed with divine enlightenment from a young age. From his childhood, he displayed extraordinary wisdom, deep contemplation, and a quest for spiritual truth. His spiritual journey started with a profound experience at the age of 30, known as the “divine revelation” at the river Bein, where Guru Nanak disappeared for three days and emerged with a new divine vision.

Divine Calling

At the age of 30, Guru Nanak Dev Ji experienced a divine calling during a deep meditation by the river Bein. He emerged with a message of Ik Onkar, emphasizing the oneness of God and the unity of all creation. This revelation marked the beginning of his spiritual journey, where he travelled far and wide, spreading his message of love, equality, and service to humanity.

Founding Sikhism

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s divine revelation marked the birth of Sikhism. He preached equality, love, and the oneness of humanity, transcending religious, social, and cultural differences. He emphasized the importance of Naam Simran (meditation on the Divine Name) and selfless service (Seva) as paths to attaining spiritual enlightenment.

What Is a Hukamnama?

Three Pillars of Sikhism

Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid the foundation of Sikh Dharam based on three fundamental principles: Naam Japna (chanting and remembering God’s name), Kirat Karni (honest living and hard work), and Vand Chakna (sharing with others and practicing charity). These pillars serve as guiding principles for Sikhs in leading a purposeful and virtuous life.

Universal Message of Love and Equality

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings emphasize love, compassion, and social equality. He challenged the rigid caste system, misogyny, and inequalities prevailing in society during his time. He advocated for the empowerment of women, and equality among all human beings, and condemned discrimination based on religion, caste, or creed.

Composition of Gurbani

Guru Nanak Dev Ji‘s profound spiritual experiences and divine wisdom have been beautifully captured in the form of Gurbani. The sacred verses from the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism, continue to be a source of guidance, solace, and inspiration for Sikhs around the world. With profound poetic expressions and melodious rhythms, the Gurbani encapsulates the essence of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

  1. Oneness of God (Ik Onkar): Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached the concept of Ik Onkar, affirming the existence of one divine force that permeates through all creation. This monotheistic belief forms the cornerstone of Sikhism, emphasizing the unity of all beings.
  1. Equality and Social Justice: Guru Nanak Dev Ji vehemently opposed the caste system, inequality, and discrimination prevalent in society. He preached the importance of treating all human beings as equals, regardless of their caste, creed, or gender.
  1. Naam Simran: Guru Nanak Dev Ji emphasized the practice of Naam Simran, the remembrance of God’s name, as a means to attain spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Through meditation and prayer, one can connect with the divine and transcend the material world.
  1. Service (Seva): Guru Nanak Dev Ji emphasized the importance of selfless service to humanity (Seva). He believed that serving others with humility and compassion was a way to realize the divine presence within oneself and in others.


Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings laid the foundation for Sikhism, a faith centred on love, equality, and service. He travelled extensively, spreading his message and establishing Sikh communities (Sangats) where people could come together to worship, learn, and serve. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s legacy continues to inspire millions around the world, transcending boundaries of religion, caste, and nationality.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji


Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s life and teachings continue to guide and inspire humanity towards a path of righteousness, love, and equality. His legacy transcends centuries, reminding us of the value of compassion, selfless service, and devotion. The profound impact of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings is evident in the vibrant Sikh community and the countless lives that have found solace, salvation, and purpose through Sikh Dharam. Let us embrace Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s universal message of love and unity, promoting a world where all beings live in harmony and respect for one another.

Who was Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the first Guru and founder of Sikh Dharam. He was a divine soul who preached love, equality, and spiritual enlightenment.

What were Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s key teachings?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji emphasized the importance of Naam Simran (chanting God’s name), selfless service (Seva), and living an honest and virtuous life. He promoted equality, compassion, and the unity of all humanity.

What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message to society?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji challenged social inequalities, including the caste system and the mistreatment of women. He preached for the inclusion and empowerment of all individuals, regardless of their background or social status.

How did Guru Nanak Dev Ji promote interfaith dialogue?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji engaged in meaningful conversations with spiritual leaders of different faiths, promoting understanding, respect, and harmony. He emphasized the underlying unity between different religions and sought common ground among diverse communities.

What is the significance of Gurbani in Sikhism?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s divine wisdom and spiritual experiences are encapsulated in Gurbani, the sacred verses of the Guru Granth Sahib. Gurbani serves as a guide for Sikhs, providing spiritual solace, moral guidance, and a means to connect with the divine.

How did Guru Nanak Dev Ji impact society and Sikhism?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings laid the foundation of Sikh Dharam and had a profound impact on society. His message of love, equality, and spiritual enlightenment continues to inspire millions, shaping the beliefs and practices of the Sikh community worldwide.

Where is the birthplace of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in a town called Talwandi, which is now known as Nankana Sahib. It is located in present-day Pakistan. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birthplace holds immense significance for Sikhs, and Nankana Sahib is considered one of the holiest sites in Sikhism. It is a place of pilgrimage for Sikhs from around the world who come to pay their respects and seek spiritual solace.